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New Moon in Libra ~ Love and Peacemaking

The new Moon in Libra rising early morning on Saturday, September 28th, brings with it some much needed balance and equanimity (or at least the desire for it) into our collective consciousness. I don’t know about you all, but the past full moon in Pisces a couple of weeks ago left me feeling dreamy and ungrounded; and while the Neptunian vibes are useful for creativity and meditation, it has taken quite some effort to be productive and get practical things done.

This new Moon, while not very earthy, at least does bring some balance into our energy field, and a desire to cultivate peace and harmony in our relationships and life. The strongest aspect of this new Moon is a quincunx aspect to Uranus, which means expect the unexpected. Specially when there is a tense aspect to Uranus, who is a wild card put in any mix. This unexpectedness can take the shape of many forms, but likely it will show itself in the area of our emotions and intimate relationships (Libra being the sign of partnerships), where we are less confrontational and more available for peace and lovemaking. The new Moon in Libra is also conjunct the fixed star Zaniah, which is an archetype of pleasure, order, and a desire for love. Add to this the Venus and Jupiter sextile, (Venus ruling Libra, the placement of this planet takes on more importance), we have ourselves quite a lovely melody playing in the stars.

However, even the loveliest melodies have crescendos, and for this planetary song, this translates into the opposition of the Moon to Chiron and the ongoing Venus-Saturn square. Let’s break down these two aspects, starting with the Venus-Saturn one, since that is a more underlying a longer influence than the other one. When the planet of Love and the planet of Karma get together in the tense, square vibration, we are forced to ask ourselves what we really want. I actually had this very aspect in my chart a couple of years ago (transiting Saturn was squaring my Venus), while I was in a particularly challenging relationship. No matter what I did, I couldn’t run away from the question of ‘What do I really want out of my relationships?’ The beautiful thing about this transit was that I got to discover the innermost desires of my heart. Maybe it needed to be broken open a bit, but it brought me to a whole new definition of what I feel Love is.

So collectively, we might feel Saturn reigning us in to ask the important questions. Now when we look at Chiron, it gets even more interesting. Right now Chiron, the archetype of the wounded healer, is retrograde in the fiery sign of Aries. The new Moon in Libra will make an opposition to this asteroid, which symbolically is telling us that we are actually ready to let go of a false and illusionary part of our collective ego. Saturn’s harsh questions really help us discover that what we thought we wanted, might not be what we need, and what we need might be far simpler and beautiful than we could imagine while we held on to false perceptions of the mind.

On a personal level, if we want to, we now have the opportunity to let go of some old, deep and core wounds. Sometimes the reason we hold onto these wounds is because we falsely identify with the pain from our past, and a sense of self gets attached to those stories around ‘what happened’. We then create perpetrators out of people who hurt us and are unable to forgive them, not realizing that what we are holding onto is an illusion, one that holds us back from experiencing the love that we so desire.

So for this New moon, expect the unexpected and keep your heart open. Use the energy of this planetary alignment to find balance and let the light of your consciousness shed any barriers you have. Let go and Love and discover a deeper meaning of that word within yourself.
Want to know what the stars have to say to you? Book an Astrology Reading with me to find out what guidance the stars have for you and your life.

Want to do a meditation under the New Moon to tap into it's energies?

Check out this Sound Healing Water Meditation by Lubaina
